One of my best friends has cancer and he went to German for alternative treatment which is not yet approved by FDA. I am quite interested in it and tried to understand why it was banned.
A google search of “Goleic” returns very confusing results. Then I learned that Goleic is a product sold by Immuno Biotech, a company located at a small island Guernsey to England. 2015-2-25, Immuno Biotech CEO David Noakes announced that Goleic, licensed as a vitamin supplement in Germany, was allowed into Guernsey. The price is very expensive, 8 doses for 450 Euros.
The wikipedia of GcMAF gave me a better understanding. The scientific foundation of this treatment was first published by a Philadelphia research group led by Nobuto Yamamoto on “Cancer Immunol Immunother” (a low-impact journal) in 2008 July. The title of the paper is Immunotherapy of metastatic colorectal cancer with vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF. However, this paper and his other two papers were retracted because Inconsistencies and questionable reliability of the publication found by Anticancer Fund
Following are trustworthy critics:
CancerResearchUK:“Cancer cured for good?” – Gc-MAF and the miracle cure
Scholarly Open Access: Would You Take a Cancer Cure Proven Effective in a Predatory Journal?
BBC: Unlicensed blood drug GcMAF still for sale
the Health Archive: The end of GcMAF
How do different kinds of white blood cell fight cancer? Good cop, bad cop: the immune system and breast cancer spread
纪小龙医生 : 1 人体有500-600左右的癌症种类,分布全身每个角落,每一个癌都有各自的不同特征,所以,至今没有一个“万能”的发现早期癌的方法,只能针对人体常见的排在前面的10个癌采取相应的早期发现的办法,比如,胃癌只能用胃镜检查,肺癌只能用CT检查等。 2 最佳预防是定期体检。
方舟子 : 经常有人说吃某种东西(例如吃大蒜)能预防癌症,但是这些都只是初步的研究,不要轻信。要预防癌症,更重要的是不吃什么,避免摄入含强致癌物的食物,例如避免发霉食品,少吃油炸、烧烤、腌制食品。
I never trust traditional Chinese medical which is full of rumor. But sadly, today I found similar rumor happens in American: