course speaker:
- Sarah Sproehnle, vice president of Cloudera.
- Ian Wrigley, senior curriculum manager at Cloudera
Cloudera was founded in 2008 by 3 engineers from Google, Yahoo and Facebook. It develops Apache Hadoop and provided related service. As early as 2003, Doug Cutting was inspired by Google labs’ papers on their distributed file system (GFS) and their processing framework, MapReduce. He wrote the initial Hadoop software with partner Mike Cafarella. They were invested by Yahoo.
Since 2012, many companies such as Oracle, Dell, Intel, SAS, Microsoft and Internet of things start-ups announce the partnership with Cloudera. In March 2017, Cloudera filed fro an IPO.
1 Intro
IBM: 90% of world’s data was created in the last 2 years alone.
challenges with big data:
- data is created fast
- data from different sources in various formats
- volume,
- variety (unstructured, raw format instead of SQL)
- velocity
All data are worth storing: transactions, logs, business, user, sensor, medical, social.
The key is what data interests you most: science, e-commerce, financial, medical , sports, social, utilities.
Core Hadoop is storage in HDFS and process in MapReduce. But now Hadoop has grown into an ecosystem. Helper tools such as Hive and Pig could turn SQL into MapReduce code and run in the cluster. But they are on top of MapReduce and hence slow. Impala can directly access data in HDFS. Other ecosystem projects include Sqoop, Flume, HBase, Hue, oozie, Mahout(machine learning). Making them talking to one another and work well can be tricky. CDH (Cloudera distribution of Hadoop) packages all these things together, which makes life much easier.
2 HDFS and MapReduce
Backup file to avoid accidental lose in the cluster: data redundancy(2 more copies) and NameNode standby (1 more copy).
Hadoop’s block size is set to 64MB by default, when most filesystems have block sizes of 16KB or less.
Instructions on how to download and run the virtual machines here.
Information on how to transfer files back and forth to the virtual machine can be found here.
After downloading the zip file which includes a 4.2 G .vmdk file and then put into the virtual box. In setting: Network -> attached to: Bridged Adapter
Once you press ‘start’, you will enter Hadoop system. However, with
, I couldn’t get ‘net addr’ for eth1. So I can’t start a ssh connection and use scp
to transfer data between vm and host.
typical hadoop command:
hadoop fs -ls # check hadoop file system
hadoop fs -put purchases.txt # put file in cluster
hadoop fs -tail purchases.txt # display end
hadoop fs -mv purchases.txt newname.txt # rename
hadoop fs -rm newname.txt # delete file
head -50 ../data/purchases.txt > testfile # first 50 lines
cat testfile | ./ | sort | ./
hs myinput output2
Dictionary approach will take a long time and may run out of memory.
- Mapper: divide the whole chunk to multiple key-value pairs
- Reducer: each has partial keys
- Task trackers
- Job tracker
def mapper():
for line in sys.stdin:
data = line.strip().split("\t")
if len(data) == 6:
date, time, store, item, cost, payment = data
print "{0}\t{1}".format(store, cost)
def reducer():
salesTotal, oldKey = 0, None
for line in sys.stdin:
data = line.strip().split("\t")
if len(data) != 2:
thisKey, thisSale = data
if oldKey and oldKey!= thisKey:
print "{0}\t{1}".format(oldKey, salesTotal)
salesTotal = 0
oldKey = thisKey
salesTotal += float(thisSale)
if oldKey:
print "{0}\t{1}".format(oldKey, salesTotal)
MapReduce Design Patterns
book: MapReduce Design Patterns by Donald Miner in 2012, $30
- filter patterns: bloom filter, sampling filter
- summarization pattern: counting, statistics
- structural pattern: combining data sets
I will save lesson 7 and lesson 8 for future practice. To be good at Big Data, this intro little course is never enough. There will be a lot of difficult concepts and hard work.