Saturday, November 12, 2016

A/B test

A/B tests means that you can get data to make decisions rather than relying on intution or highest paying person’s opinion.
It’s not about how to implement an A/B test framework, it’s about how to design a task, choose metrics, and analyze the results.
John Lilly, CEO of Mozilla,
A/B testing is really useful for helping you climb to the peak of your burrent mountain, but isn’t so useful on deciding which mountain you want to be on.
  • new features
  • addition
  • different look
When Amazon first started doing personalized recommendation, they discovered people bought more stuff and actually had a significant increase in revenue.
For every 100 ms latency added to the page, they actually had a 1% decrease in revenue.


  • change aversion vs novelty effect
  • A/B testing can’t really tell you if you’re missing something.
  • can’t have immediate feedback for long-term, big decision
A/B test in other area:
  • agriculture
  • medicine: clinical trial
The key thing is you have a consistent response from your control and experiment group

customer funnel

users are trickling down the funnel:
page visits -> explore the site -> create account -> complete

binomial distribution

binomial distribution: In a sequence of n independent yes/no experiments, each has a success probability of p. Each experiment is also called Bernoulli experiment.
The probability function for k successes is Pr(k)=\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}p^{k}(1-p)^{n-k}
standard error SE=\sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}
margin of error m=Z*SE
Z distribution is normal distribution with mean=0, sd=1: \phi (x)={\frac {e^{-{\frac {1}{ 2}}x^{2}}}{\sqrt {2\pi }}}
for a confidence interval of 95% in a 2-tailed test, each tail contains 2.5% distribution, corresponding to a z score of 1.96. So 1000 page visit with 100 clicks m=math.sqrt(0.10.9/1000)1.96=0.019, will have a confidence interval of 0.1-0.019~ 0.1+0.019

hypothesis testing

  • Null hypothesis : no difference
  • Alternative hypothesis

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