udacity talk 4, Erikc Darnell
You look so amazing and accomplished. You just don’t have to practice anymore?
Actually I practice 5 hours a day. If I don’t, I start to get bad really fast.
passion question.
Everybody is different. For me, I think it just took up a lot of maturation and a lot of stuff just didn’t come naturally to me that I have to learn. How long will it take to get you there? You will never get there if you don’t start going. You can’t win a game until you start. I always encourage people to just go and do it. Go to your studio and make stuff.
Today we have very cheap camera. In the old time, we only had film. That actually worked well for me. Because every time you pull the trigger when you’re shooting motion picture film, it’s like dollar signs.. So you have to really think about what it is you’re shooting.
When camera comes out, you tend to shoot everything all day long. But you never look at it at the second time.
How do you promote in a highly innovative environment?
Get people involve in every level. Great idea can come from anybody. If you have an environment where people feel free to communicate, not only with their peers, but with the CEO, even the person that stock in the refrigerator. He is a part of this team and feels accepted and he is inside. If the person is confident enough to raise your hand and say, what if you did it this way? Then you got an environment that empower innovation because everybody feels like they have permission.
Favorite movie? Norman McLaren’s begone dull care 1949.
Most challenging thing for directing a movie ? It’s always story. People want something deeper ultimately. It doesn’t matter how cool the tech if you have very few content.
I learned a lot from undergraduate, learn a great deal from calart. It’s great opportunity to really focus yourself. But to be a filmmaker and in particular to be a director, you have to go through thw world with an open mind and open eyes. It’s important to be able to talke the language of the programmer, the language of music composer, voice actor. It’s kind of like “a jack of all trades, a master of none”. You try to surround yourself with people that are better what they do than you could ever be. That’s the secret key. Find someone ambitious than you and become their partner.
Advice for young? The world is always changing. The best way to navigate that it’s not to necessarily think that every single detail of your life to be planned out, or you have to make the right choice every step of the way. The best thing is Joseph Campbell says, just follow your bliss, find the things that are most exciting and interesting to you, because then you’re going to do your best work and you’re going to learn the most, because you care. You develop things from passion.
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