Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Fastest supercomputer

Briefly speaking,
  1. supercomputer is the personal computer in the next 20 years. And it is about 10, 000 faster. This means, generally, compute is 100 faster in every 10 years. But if you pile 10, 000 cores together, does the speed surprise you? You still need to handle interconnect and heat dissipation.
  2. Fast processor speed is not enough. It depends on your application. If your codes and software, as well as other I/O in the ecosystem doesn’t follow up, your compute is just empty spinning and waste electricity.
  3. The fastest computer as in 2018 has a speed at 200 peta (=2e17, by IBM summit). I guess the application is still falling behind. Global weather prediction is still the largest demand. Now GFS and ECMWF are using upgraded computer at 8.5 peta, my workplace OU has only 0.35 peta. So it is about 5 years fall behind the fastest computer.
  4. Do you really need supercomputer? 99.99% people only need a smartphone’s speed for youtube video or WeChat communication. So don’t worry it. Focus on what you can do best and outsource the rest.
问: 为什么处理器芯片越来越便宜,房价却越来越贵?
fastest computer ranking: https://www.top500.org/
日本国家高级产业科学技术研究所(NIAIST)的所长关口智嗣(Satoshi Sekiguchi)解释:“现行的超级计算机系统的运算速度一般比个人电脑快100万倍左右。”据关口表示,超级计算机在一天内的处理内容,个人计算机需要花3000年才能完成。而在体积方面,日本的这台超级计算机将占地1000平方米,所占空间相当于一个能容纳30到40辆车的停车场。
“巅峰”的运行速度令人惊讶。它能以每秒20亿亿次——或200千兆次 (200 peta)——的速度进行数学计算。像“巅峰”这样花费了2亿美元政府资金建造的超级计算机可加快电脑前沿技术的发展,比如人工智能和庞大数据处理的能力。
NOAA upgrade its supercomputer from 5.6 petaflops to 8.4 petaflogs, or 4.2 petaflogs per side. (Equivalent to 2011’s fastest)
The NWS has been using supercomputers for decades. The latest major update to the computers’ was in 2016. Currently, the combined processing power of NWS super computers is 5.78 petaflops, which is more than 10,000 times faster than the average desktop computer.
Cray XC40, 8.5 petaflogs, 130 k cores
OU Schooner: 0.35 petaflog, 10 k cores
The computer firm houses Blue, NOAA’s primary forecasting computer system, at an IBM facility in Gaithersburg, Maryland. A backup system, White, is located at a NASA site in Fairmont, West Virginia.
The two machines rank as the world’s 69th and 70th most powerful computers, according to the TOP500 List of Supercomputers.
从目前天河二号来看,计算节点的能耗约为18兆瓦,再加上散热系统的整体能耗在20兆瓦以上。如果正常运行,天河二号每年的电费就会超过1亿元,年耗电量约为2亿度。 每天耗费电费 10 万元。
“实际上,这就要求未来的超算系统能够进行体系结构,硬件、软件和制冷等多方面的创新。” 张云泉说。
而美国超级计算机的建设方一般都是使用方。在榜单上排名第三、也是美国最快的 Titan 建设方是美国能源部,主要应用于美国能源部内部的核试验模拟
中科院超算中心主任迟学斌坦言:“脱离开发利用,超算就是一堆破铜烂铁。光有高性能机器,没有人才做高水平的服务,那效果是一样的,机器过 5 年就过时了。
当年GDP少的时候,他们说GDP是衡量一个国家实力最权威的标志~ 然后中国GDP上来了,他们又说工业制造才是衡量一个国家实力的标志~ 等中国的工业制造上来了,他们又说工业污染,国家实力是靠人均。 等人均上来了,他们又说发达国家都过无污染原生态的生活~越落后的地区幸福感越强~比如那个地图上都找不到,百姓只能果腹、毫无尊严的附庸国不丹
1,凡是中国没有的,都是高精尖科技,是区分人种、素质、先进/落后的标志; 凡是中国有的,都是低技术含量的垃圾,都是偷的,大家都可以造;
2、凡是中国排名靠后的排名,都很有国际影响力,很权威、是区分人种、素质、先进/落后的标准 凡是中国排名靠前的排名,都没什么意思,发达国家都看不上眼,人家就喜欢小、慢、等着老百姓的良心~

Seymour Cray

father of supercomputer
Cray did not enjoy working on such ‘mundane’ machines, constrained to design for low-cost construction, so CDC could sell lots of them. His desire was to “produce the largest [fastest] computer in the world”.
Unlike most high-end projects, Cray realized that there was considerably more to performance than simple processor speed, that I/O bandwidth had to be maximized as well in order to avoid “starving” the processor of data to crunch. He later noted, “Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system.
During this period Cray had become increasingly annoyed at what he saw as interference from CDC management. Cray always demanded an absolutely quiet work environment with a minimum of management overhead, but as the company grew he found himself constantly interrupted by middle managers who — according to Cray — did little but gawk and use him as a sales tool by introducing him to prospective customers.
Cray decided that in order to continue development he would have to move from St. Paul, far enough that it would be too long a drive for a “quick visit” and long distance telephone charges would be just enough to deter most calls, yet close enough that real visits or board meetings could be attended without too much difficulty. After some debate, Norris backed him and set up a new laboratory on land Cray owned in his hometown of Chippewa Falls.
Cray avoided publicity, and there are a number of unusual tales about his life away from work (termed “Rollwagenisms”, from then-CEO of Cray Research, John A. Rollwagen). He enjoyed skiing, windsurfing, tennis, and other sports. Another favorite pastime was digging a tunnel under his home; he attributed the secret of his success to “visits by elves“ while he worked in the tunnel: “While I’m digging in the tunnel, the elves will often come to me with solutions to my problem.”


Pat Gelsinger, head of the Digital Enterprise Division at Intel, says that Moore’s Law will continue to apply for the next few years. In his keynote address at the Intel Developer Forumin Shanghai, he said that the performance of supercomputers would be measured in zettaflops (10 to the 21st power floating-point operations) per second by around 2029. With that power, he said it would be possible to make weather forecasts that would be sufficiently accurate for 14 days.
One petaflop (10[sup]15[/sup] power floating-point operations) per second would allow real time analysis of images taken by magnetic resonance scanners. Current systems need around two hours for such analyses.

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